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Yemen Faces Devastating Water Crisis as Climate Change Bites

In Yemen, Millions Face Water Insecurity as Country Grapples with Depleting Resources


  • Yemen, already one of the world's most water-scarce countries, is experiencing rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.

  • Climate change is worsening the situation, with rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, and land degradation.

  • Water scarcity threatens food security, increases conflict over resources, and strains cities struggling with displaced populations.


Millions in Yemen face a growing threat as the country's water resources dwindle and the impacts of climate change intensify. Already grappling with a civil war and a struggling economy, Yemenis are now confronting a future of water scarcity, food insecurity, and displacement.

The report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) paints a grim picture. Ranked as the world's 12th most water-scarce country, Yemen's groundwater reserves are rapidly depleting, especially in the highlands where the water table drops by several meters annually. This scarcity is fueled by factors, including Yemen's arid climate, population growth, and unsustainable water management practices.

Climate change is expected to worsen the situation. Rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall patterns, and land degradation are all on the rise. Sea levels are also increasing, salinating coastal aquifers and further reducing usable water. Despite contributing minimally to global CO2 emissions, Yemen bears the brunt of the climate crisis.

The consequences of water scarcity are dire. Food security is at risk, with agricultural output likely to decline. Conflicts over water resources are becoming more frequent, placing vulnerable populations under further strain. The IOM report highlights the plight of Yemeni cities like Aden and Marib, which are struggling to support growing populations that include internally displaced persons, returnees, and migrants.

Yemen's situation demands a holistic approach. Investments in sustainable water management practices and climate change adaptation strategies are crucial. Additionally, addressing the root causes of migration, fostering orderly migration processes, and ensuring the protection of vulnerable populations are all essential steps towards a more secure future for Yemen.


@IOM_Yemen @UNarabic @UNDPYemen


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