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What is cash for protection in Yemen and how can it be used effectively?

The primary goal of the cash for protection intervention in Yemen is to respond to the urgent and immediate consequences of violence, coercion, deprivation and abuse.

النقد مقابل الحماية في اليمن. مصدر الصورة UNHCR
Cash for protection in Yemen. Image source: UNHCR

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has issued a set of principles and guidelines for implementing cash-for-protection activities in Yemen, to provide protection partners with a common understanding and harmonization of practices. The overarching principles emphasize the importance of engaging with individuals who are at higher risk of protection threats and define the objectives and scope of protection funds.

A cash-for-protection intervention's primary goal is to respond to the urgent and immediate consequences of violence, coercion, deprivation, and abuse. The goal of cash for protection is to prevent, reduce, or mitigate the impact of serious harm caused by security threats. This intervention is intended to reduce imminent security risks by addressing vulnerabilities and reducing exposure to threats while emphasizing that it does not aim to address only social and economic vulnerabilities. The principles document also emphasizes the importance of incorporating protection cash into case management and provides detailed guidance on the amount, duration, and frequency of cash assistance transfers.

Furthermore, the document emphasizes the significance of conducting a security risk analysis to identify specific concerns and outlines the process and methods for monetary financing to implement security. It emphasizes the importance of monitoring and impact evaluation in determining the effectiveness of cash assistance in achieving desired protection outcomes. Furthermore, the Guidelines highlight the complementary relationship between cash for protection and multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA), emphasizing that they can be provided to the same individuals or families, either sequentially or concurrently, based on identified needs and vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the document discusses cash assistance for protection guidelines, with a focus on safety, integration, gender analysis, data protection, accountability, and capacity building. It also includes examples of how cash assistance can contribute to protection outcomes, such as addressing the risk of immediate eviction, supporting survivors of abuse and violence, facilitating access to legal documentation, and assisting in the recovery process.

Overall, the Guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for carrying out cash-for-protection activities, emphasizing the importance of addressing specific protection risks, incorporating cash assistance into larger protection strategies, and ensuring effective coordination with other humanitarian interventions, such as multilateral cash assistance. The document delves into the principles, processes, and practical applications of cash for protection in Yemen, to improve the safety, well-being, and protection of affected individuals and communities.


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