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Lack of income and humanitarian aid exacerbates the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Imported food commodities account for around 70% of food in #Yemen, with 97% relying on imported grains.

الدخل يفاقم الأزمة الإنسانية في اليمن
Yemeni currency

The biggest obstacles to getting food supplies in Yemen include a lack of cash, a lack of humanitarian aid, and a distance from the food supply. According to a report released by a survey initiative done in Yemen by multiple organizations, including FAO and International Migration, on food security and the reasons for Yemen's humanitarian catastrophe. The report focuses on the causes of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

According to the report, Yemen is particularly sensitive to external shocks and global dynamics, in addition to local challenges, due to the high percentage of food commodities imported into the country.

According to the report's study, food import trends have been constant over the last five years, albeit slightly lower than the pre-war norm. However, imported food commodities account for around 70% of total food consumption, with grain imports accounting for 97% of total food consumption.

Domestic food production, on the other hand, accounts for 30% of total food quantities in Yemen. Yemen's agriculture has suffered as a result of the conflict, with cereal crops suffering the most in terms of production volume. Farmers are also not cultivating wheat locally, according to reports. Nonetheless, agriculture remains the mainstay of most Yemeni rural livelihoods. Agriculture and fisheries provide food and income to around 73% of Yemenis.

According to a number of studies, food insecurity at the family level in Yemen is caused by a lack of purchasing power - or the inability to meet basic demands. Due to currency depreciation, inflation, and global market price developments, the cost of the minimum food basket—which includes wheat flour, sugar, rice, and vegetable oils—has increased by 483% in internationally recognized Yemeni government areas and by 188% in Houthi-controlled areas since the start of the war.

Aside from growing food prices, access to livelihood possibilities remains a major element affecting people's capacity to get food for millions of Yemenis. According to the project's survey, just 38% of respondents reported being employed (20% work for someone else, and 18% work in agriculture or are self-employed).

Unemployed people made up 15% of all respondents. Furthermore, the poll found that 69% of respondents had only one family member who earns a living, 18% have two family members who earn a living, and 9% have no family members who earn a living. In addition, 86% receive humanitarian assistance.

Another element in determining vulnerability to food insecurity is market access. Up to 73% of respondents walk for an hour or less to get to a food market or distribution center. Rising fuel prices are another factor that frequently leads to food supply constraints, either by increasing the cost of shipping items across the country or by increasing the cost of customers traveling to food markets.


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